Hollinwood Academy

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Anti Bullying Week Drama Workshops

Last week, all pupils in KS3 took  part in Anti-bullying drama workshops. 

 We have been learning all about the theme for this year of “Choose Respect.” 

All the children (and staff) took part in games where we celebrated our differences, spoke about our opinions and worked together as a team. 

We then hit the stage and performed freeze frames and scenes all about what ‘Respect’ means to us, how we can show respect in and out of school and what we can do to prevent Bullying all together. 

After that, we came together to do some trust obstacle courses, BLINDFOLDED! Guiding each other around the room, we faced our fear’s and soon understood trust and how important it is to tell the truth! 

Finally, after being super busy we all made beautiful art work displaying some of the important lessons we learnt and expressing how we felt about the theme, “Choose Respect.” 

Anti Bullying Week Drama Workshops