Hollinwood Academy

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Dragons Den - Careers Event

Today, Samuel Laycock School joined forces with Scott Whitney from ‘Inclusion For All’ to deliver a Dragons Den careers event. Newbridge Pathways and Newbridge College joined us for an inspiring and entertaining morning.   

In the first session local business leaders were invited to pitch their businesses to the pupils. The aim of the pitch was for pupils to find out what it would be like to work within different job sectors and what are the highlights of doing so. After the pitch, the pupils voted whether they would like to work in that business by raising red and green cards. The instant feedback was daunting for the business leaders, yet everyone had at least 50% of the pupils wanting to work for them.  

A huge thank you goes to the businesses that contributed this morning. Their willingness to pause their own busy schedules and put themselves forward to support the school is fantastic.  



Scott Whitney – Inclusion 4 All  

Karim Samani – Wellbeing and Ergonomics  

Paula Jackson-McDonald & Hannah Plumb – Alchemist Group  

Paul Wilshaw – Zally  

Glen Hyde – World Pay  

Jon Fletcher – Wheely Good Travel Company 

Katie Cope – Keppel Leopard Creative  

Emma Wilson – The 20% Club LTD - Neurodivergent recruitment   


Dragons Den - Careers Event