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Key Stage 4 Sensory


We have had a great start to school in KS4 Sensory. Our new topic is ‘into the jungle’ and we have been learning the story of the jungle book.  


KS4 Sensory


We have enjoyed starting our days with sensory circuits to help us to focus on our lessons. We have engaged in attention autism lessons in English, Maths and food technology.  

In maths, we have been working on our addition and grouping skills. 

We loved having Mrs Onslow-Hornby helping us in drama to recreate jungle scenes! 

This week in living skills we practiced our cutting, grating and mixing skills to make carrot cakes. We then decorated the cakes and took them around school to staff.  

In class café, we practiced making snacks and drinks and using our communication skills.  

We have worked very hard to settle back into school in our new class.