Hollinwood Academy

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Mission Christmas

This week, pupils from from KS4 Comms and KS4 Sensory pathways completed their fundraising activities following the £400 they have raised.  

Some pupils created a shopping list of toys from Argos that everyone used the machines in Argos to check their availability in the store before paying for these items. In Argos, we spent £260.  

In B&M, each pupil had a personal budget of £20 and they were tasked with picking 1 toy for a girl and 1 toy for a boy. Everyone had great fun walking round B&M, looking at the different toys and picking what they liked the most. Everyone then waited patiently in the queue to pay for the toys they chose. 

Next up was the trip to the Mission Christmas warehouse in Trafford Park. We arrived and took in all of the toys we bought today. We had a look around the warehouse and the volunteers there helped us to place some of our toys on the correct shelves depending on if they were for a boy or girl and their age range.  

We all felt very proud of our efforts and know that our donations will go to a good place. It really hit home when the volunteers told us that since the mission started on 18th November this year, they have already been able to help 14,296 children around Greater Manchester but they still need to help another 21,997 children before the deadline on 20th December.  

Mission Christmas