Hollinwood Academy

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Performing Arts Blog - 15.11.24

Every Friday in performing arts, pathway students work on their choreography skills. 

We have been exploring different genres of dance since the start of the year. Our latest exploration was Lindyhop. 

Students enjoyed a workshop with Sarah and Joe from Swing North. They taught us about the origins of Swing and Lindyhop and then we learned some basic steps to perform a dance called the Shim Sham.  

We learned steps called Tackie Annies and Shortie Georges and finished with a jam circle where everyone moves with the beat around a circle while individuals go into the centre and free style.  

We had great fun and everyone enjoyed taking part and trying something new.  

We recognised some of the music from our work last term on Ella Fitgerald.  


Performing Arts Blog - 15.11.24