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Premier League Showcase - MCFC


PL Showcase


Samuel Laycock were selected with one other Specialist Needs School across the whole of Greater Manchester as well as other children and adults who were selected to take part in the Premier League Showcase event. This event was organised to display the amazing work that the City in the Community Foundation offer.

Paul Kelly, our amazing school link who runs the incredible disability provision at MCFC invited our pupils, due to their amazing behaviour and effort at every event that we attend. The pupils have had the amazing opportunity to play at the Manchester City women’s stadium, on the main grass pitch. They played 3 games where they shared the pitch with a women’s walking football group. Our goals today came from Stephen and Michael. Isabella and Jonathon were both interviewed by the Manchester City media where they told them how much they enjoyed the experience of the day and also the amazing opportunities given by the City in the Community Foundation.

Isabella said “It really helps me personally and I really enjoy coming to City with my friends”. Everyone represented the school really well and were very well behaved, displaying true Samuel Laycock RESPECT values.