Samuel Laycock Latest - 22.3.24
Here's a quick round up of the last week or so...
Food Pathway
Pupils from the Food Pathway made prawn cocktails.

To finish off they made caramel cheesecake.

It all tasted delicious.

Work Experience
The new work experience group from the Horticulture Pathway started at DB Garden Nurseries on Friday. Two new pupils were joined by a pupil that wanted to return as he enjoyed it so much the first time.

This term, pupils in KS3 have been using their coding skills to make the Sphero complete a variety of challenges.

The class changed their Sphero colour to red or blue and had to use a variety of controls to help their Sphero defend, work as a team and score a goal! Each class were very competitive. We had a few draws but overall the Blue team won each match (no change there then!)