Hollinwood Academy

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Super Learning Day - Zoroastrianism

On Monday 8th July the children and young people had great fun taking part in a Super Learning Day where they learnt all about the Zoroastrianism and all their traditions. 

We were very lucky to meet Havovy Cama who came from the NWZC committee to tell us all about Zoroastrianism, its origins and some of the activities the organisation engage in. She also brought some things in to show the children and worked with groups later in the afternoon. 

The children made dhansak, created Rangoli patterns out of lentils and rice, made fire temples from clay and learnt about the importance of the Zoroastrian way, ‘living through good thoughts, good words and doing good deeds’. 

What a fabulous day, demonstrating Samuel Laycock RESPECT values of Zoroastrianism, captured by photos and a fantastic news report from our Digital Pathway. 


Super Learning Day - Zorastrianism