Hollinwood Academy

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School Uniform


School Uniform Policy 

Dear Parent/Carer,

Since converting into the New Bridge Group we have introduced a new logo and school identity.

We are keen to develop this sense of identity within school and across our local area.



With that in mind we will be introducing a new uniform from September 2022, that we hope your child will be proud to wear.

Uniform may be purchased from:

MCS Stores

(Behind Ashtons Indoor Market Hall)

32 Market Street



Tel: 0161 339 9845

Website: https://mcsstores.co.uk/shop-by-school/samuel-laycock-school/

Facebook: MCS Stores Schoolwear


Top Marks Schoolwear
82 Old St
Ashton Under Lyne
Tel: 0161 343 2900
Website: www.topmarksschoolwear.co.uk 
Facebook: Top Marks Schoolwear


We would like to make it clear that the only compulsory item to be purchased from Topmarks is the school jumper with the new logo and the PE kit. All other items can be purchased from local supermarkets as we are very keen to keep the cost as affordable as possible. The blazer is NOT compulsory but if your child chooses to wear this, school will provide the iron on badge. Alternatively, the blazer can be purchased from Topmarks with the badge already ironed on.

We do not expect current pupils to purchase the new uniform if their existing one already fits them. However, when the uniform is ready to be replaced then we would expect that to be purchased as outlined on the Topmarks flyer.

We would ask that footwear is either black shoes or trainers without branding.

The compulsory PE kit is a top and either shorts or jog bottoms. You may purchase both shorts and jog bottoms if you wish but this is optional. The PE zip top is NOT compulsory as your child can wear their school jumper instead if the weather is cold.

Hoodies and non-uniform sweatshirts are NOT acceptable at any time in school and your child will be asked to remove that item.

Again, we would not expect current pupils to purchase the PE kit if their existing plain white T-shirt and black shorts still fits.

Any further clarification can be sought from your child’s class teacher.

Please note we are not expecting current Y10 pupils who will be Y11 for the academic year 2022-2023 to purchase new uniform.

As ever, if you have concerns regarding the purchase of the new uniform please contact school and we will support where we can.

Samuel Laycock School