Hollinwood Academy

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  • Everyone Learning


Samuel Laycock Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

As part of the New Bridge Group Multi Academy Trust, we share the mission statement…

“Learning together, learning for all, learning for life…”

 …and this is at the heart of everything we do. It is our belief that all children and young people, whatever their background or ability, will achieve their full potential and become valued and participating members of our community.

We provide an inclusive learning environment offering a unique, creative curriculum that focuses on outcomes and destinations, supporting young people into adulthood with consistently high expectations. This includes skills for independent living, community access, social inclusion, employability and preparation for higher and further education. We aim to develop resilience, determination and strength of character.

With high expectations for all of our children and young people, appropriate pathways are identified early to support children and young people achieve their full potential and reach their desired destinations, such as:

  • Being independent
  • Accessing further education – college/university
  • Working with support in the community
  • Volunteering in the community
  • Playing a part in the community
  • Taking control
  • Taking part

Being a part of a Multi Academy Trust enables us to collaborate closely and develop bonds with other service providers around the trust. This has been essential in organising internships that are pertinent, demanding, and aspirational for our young people. Aspirations are still being raised and encouraged. The idea of lifelong learning is supported by all staff and the idea that everyone should have access to education, regardless of circumstance.

At Samuel Laycock, we strive to concentrate on four major life goals that are essential to ensuring students are prepared for adulthood.Employment, good health, independent living, and community inclusion.These goals and pathways guarantee that our young people reach their destination targets.