Hollinwood Academy

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Health Professionals

Samuel Laycock  has established strong working partnerships with a range of health professionals.

Health Advisors

Our School Health Advisors provide professional healthcare to bridge education and social care boundaries. They help our students to stay healthy and safe, and also work with school staff to address child centred public health initiatives.

The Health Advisors give confidential advice, care and treatment to children and young people. They also look after our students’ physical and emotional health and advise families on how to keep children healthy.

Hearing Impairment

From the theatre and swimming pools to the ordinary classroom, all environments are seen as places for sensory learning. Every student can gain from having other senses engaged.  As part of the Total Communication System, meaningful objects, images, symbols and signing are used. Students with Hearing Impairment and/or Visual Impairment are positioned so that they can see and hear to pick up information. The classroom Soundfield system enables sound sources to be spread evenly through the room.


The physiotherapy team work to promote the development of gross motor skills to improve functional abilities and enhance independence through individual exercise programmes, hydrotherapy and the use of equipment.

The team works with educational staff, parents and other professionals to advise on physical management and access to the curriculum for those requiring the service.

Speech & Language Therapy

The New Bridge Speech and Language Therapy Team supports students who have difficulties with communication or eating and drinking. The team provides training for staff and parents and works alongside the school to provide a Total Communication Environment in which all students are supported.

Young people can be referred to the team for assessment and more specific support to meet their needs. This could include help around eating and drinking, speech, expressive and receptive language, the use of alternative means of communication (such as signing, symbols, objects of reference etc) and social communication skills.

Visual Impairment

For students with sensory needs such as visual impairment, it is important that best use is made of all their senses.  We use a range of adapted resources and equipment, and skills can be developed in the context of lessons including different sensory and cross-curricular experiences.