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Pastoral Support

As a school we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Our aim is to achieve this through – “Working together to Protect Children”.  We have policies and procedures in place to ensure that children are in a caring and protective environment where they are valued and respected.  The Safeguarding Policy, Procedures & Guidelines are reviewed annually, and staff are trained and alert to signs of abuse and neglect.  If these are suspected, there are designated staff, who will work with the Tameside Safeguarding Officer and other Children’s Services, to ensure that the needs of the child are met.  Whilst every effort is made to liaise with parents and carers this may not always be possible straight away but they will be kept informed by one of our Safeguarding Leads.

Helen Wilson
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Headteacher

I oversee the safeguarding duties of my colleagues on the safeguarding team. Whilst they are involved in most of the ‘day to day’ responsibilities of the role, I regularly liaise with staff, families and external professionals to ensure any concerns or issues are managed promptly and sensitively. 

Katie Cochran
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Assistant Head Teacher and Pastoral Lead

In my role as Pastoral Lead, it is my duty to ensure we support the wellbeing and mental health of all of our pupils. Emotional Literacy Support Interventions are now in place and known to our pupils as ELSA. This program will help develop the pupils’ ability to recognise, understand, communicate and self regulate their emotions. Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any worries or concerns, I am here to help.

Nicola Neal
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Welfare Manager

I have considerable experience in working with children in a Special Needs setting. I have a background in Social Care and Child Protection and I provide direct support for our pupils and families.

Victoria Husband
Attendance, Medical and Welfare Offier

I’m attendance, medical and welfare officer in school, I monitor attendance, work with pupils and families to overcome any barriers to attendance. One of my other duties is to support pupils in school with medical needs managing medication, overseeing and liaising with outside agencies to offer the best possible care for our pupils. I’m also part of the pastoral team supporting pupils in school and delivering interventions such as emotional literacy (ELSA).